Friday, January 30, 2009

Her room is done!

So i had my baby shower this past weekend and got basically everything that i needed for her and her room! I was so excited to get home and get everything done!!! Here are the pictures!

Looking in her door:

Her closet:

her dresser with the Lamp Mimi got her!

Rocking chair. I am getting the curtains put up tomorrow and im sure the room will look really dif.

Crib and Bedding:


Changing table. On the final picture i didnt get her name on the wall in the picture so im showing you a picture before i started working on her room when it was messy! Not like that anymore!



and her Bouncer, Swing and Diaper bag



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

32 weeks and OB appt

Well I am 32 weeks and 1 day according to March 3rd due date if you go by March 8th I am 31 weeks and 3days. My uterus and Makenzi are measuring 32weeks but the DRs have not changed it but in my head I have. Today I had a DR appt. I have gained 2lbs this month, so that puts me at a total of 12LBS. I am happy about that! Makenzi's hear rate was in the 120s. My blood pressure was once again HIGH, 139/83 so I will have to be induced. We do not have a date yet, We will schedule it at my next OB appt. But until then I have to go in 2 times a week to be monitored. They will monitor her heart beat and monitor me to see if I am having Contractions. Also once a week I will have an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid levels and check her growth. Feb 3rd I have a ultrasound down in radiology to check her size, weight and position. I am looking at Feb 17th or 20th to be induced. I am scared and happy. Scared of all the things that could go wrong and happy that my mom and my sister will defiantly be here for the birth. and that Canon will be able to HOPEFULLY be on the phone with me while his little girl comes into the world and hear her first cry. 5-6 more weeks till she is here I can NOT believe it! I am so excited and ready for her to get here!