Thursday, August 6, 2009

Almost 5 1/2 months!

WOW! I cant belive its been that long! Shes so amazing and smart. 2 weeks ago we went and got blood work to check her blood platelet levels and they were on the low side but still in normal ranges. So we just repeat in 3 weeks more blood work. Daddy will be home for her 6month appt. Im glad he will be going to that appt with us. We have a weight check next week but let me tell you my arms can tell shes gaining weight. We also go in 1 month for another ultrasound on her liver. Tomorrow we have the follow up with the dermatologist. Excited to hear what they have to say. She has been sitting up on her own now with no help for 2 weeks! She got so good at it so fast. She is a ROLLER now. This past week ive been up so much in the night cause she will roll in her crib and get her self stuck or hit her head. Poor kiddo. She has started to suck on her thumb more. I think its just adorable. When Daddy gets home we are going to start her on the sippy cup. Im sure she will take it with few or no problems. We were doing Parents As Teachers but the Teacher we had quit and I just got a letter in the mail and we have an appt on the 17th. I am very up set about that because We have seen her since Makenzi was a few weeks old. At every appt that we had she canceled at least once and most the time 2 times and re-scheduled. So then for her to just up and quit when I have stuck with her becuase she knew Makenzi. I am angry about it. Here are some recent pictures.






Friday, July 10, 2009

The latest on the Princess.

Since birth my DD has had medical problems. Now most of you might think that "oh her problem is that big of a deal", "She is overreacting" blah blah blah well its not as bad as it could be but she does have somehealth problems. Since my DD was 3-4 weeks old a strawberry hemangioma. Actually she has 6 of them. but the one on her neck and back have been the problem ones. this is what they look like.

I do not have a picture of the on on her neck cause i cant get her to sit still long enough. But the one on her back is getting bigger. So with that said. 1 month ago we had a app with a dermatologist. Actually 2 derms. 1 was in the office and the other we had a video conference with at the same time. THey both suggested we do a ultrasound on her liver to check for a hemangioma on her liver. The reason because for 1 month and 1 week she didnt gain any weight but lost an OZ or 2.

So on Tuesday we had the liver ultrasound. Today we had her 4month appt (at 41/2months in hopes that she will gain more wieght) we got the results. There is a 3mm spot on her liver. Since it is so small they can not diagnose what it is. I ased "what else could it be if its not a Hemangioma?" his answer "well ma'am im not totally sure" so in my mind yes this is an hemangioma since he is not telling me what else it "could be". In 3months we go back for another ultrasound to see if its got bigger.

Also has gained weight YAY. She now weighs 12lbs and 12 oz a whole lb more then she was 4 weeks ago. Im very grateful. She is also 25in. She is only in the 11% for weight and 68% for height. I am not so much concerned with her weight as i was because my husband is stick thin and so is his mother and so is my mom side of the family. Ive also found out that it took me a while to gain weight as well.

Well the DR jumped down my throat about how much formula Makenzi is getting. She gets a 4ox bottle 4 times a day and 2 times a day she gets 1/2 fruit and 1/2 veggie. with rice cereal. YES I have tried more frequent feedings and she will not have it she spits it up. Ive also tried 5 oz she does not want it.

She wakes up at 8am has a 4oz bottle goes till 12 noon and has a 4oz bottle with 1/2 veggie and 1/2 fruit goes till 4 and has a 4oz bottle and at 8pm she has a 4oz bottle and 1/2 veggie and 1/2 fruit she then goes to bed at around 9pm and sleeps till 8am. I will not wake up my child in the middle of the night to feed her. If she was hungry she would wake up.

So the DR today told me that i was basically a bad mom because she was only getting 16oz of formula in a day. Well im not going to force feed my child just to have her spit it all back up. I ust really dont know what to do. I am dealing with all this alone and will for another few months and im about to lose my mind. I cant take anymore. UG Thank you for listening.

Friday, June 12, 2009

more updates

Well most of you know what is/has been going on with Makenzi. When she was born her DR heard a heart murmur it had went away when we left the hospital. Well at her 2month appt she heard it again. So we made an appt with the Children's Hospital in Columbia, MO. We had our appt about 2weeks ago. She still has the murmur but doesnt have a whole in heart. Thank god! But we arnt out of the woods yet. When Makenzi was born she had a few Strawberry hemangioma Well under 2 of them it became swollen and looked bruised. I took her into the ER when she was 5ish weeks old and the DR there said she was fine. In the back of mine mind i didnt think that was right. So at her 2month appt I showed her DR and her DR had the same concerns as I did. So we made an appt for her to be seen by a Dermatologist. Yesterday she had a follow up with her DR one last time before her DR left the hospital. When she was weighed i got very concerned because she had lost a few oz. Now most people proibly wouldnt be concerend. But I have been feeding Makenzi rice cereal 2times a day and since Tuesday of this week 1 container of 1st foods a day. So we waited till her DR came in and the frist thing her DR said was I am also concerned about her weight. So we talked about things I can do to hel her gain weight. so today was her derm appt. We get there and they take pictures and wiat for the DRs to become free so we can have a tella-appt. which is a VTC with Drs in Columbia. The derm here at FLW has seen many of these and said they are more common then most people think. they were also equally concerned about her not gaining weight. Which her not ganing weight could be caused by a hemangioma on her liver. July 8th we have an appt with Ultrasound to check her liver. In the mean time we just wait. Today she also got blood taken to check a few things. The only thing I remember is they were checking her thyroid. So we have a few more appts coming in the next month month in a half so please just continue to pray for Makenzi and everything comes back fine. As for the hemangioma they will not do surgery on it because its not hurting her and its not constricting growth.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Heart Update.

We went last week for her heart appt to the Children's Hospital in Columbia. I could NEVER tell you how hard it was to walk in that Children's Hospital not knowing what was going to happen and if we would be spending a lot more time there. Ad i was tearing up riding the elevator all the way to the 6th floor I have NEVER been more scared. I really couldn't even tell you her name without bawling. So we got in the room and had the EKG and Heart Echo done and the lady ho did it was SO RUDE. I was on the phone with daddy the whole time and Makenzi was SCREAMING. So after it was done i was calming her down with my back turned toward the door looking towards the window to make Makenzi happy. Te DR walked in said she was fine and walked back out. I didn't even have enough time to turn around before he was out of the room. He had even left the WHOLE OFFICE. I went to the reception desk and was like what just happened. The reception lady went and found her nurse and came back and told me that Makenzi still has a heart Murmur but no hole in her heart. they will check it more often to see what it is doing but as of right now she is great with her heart. We go on the 11th for a follow up to her Pedi and then on the 12th to the Derm to find out about these things on her. I am so scared about that. anyway I had her 3month pictures taken! oh so cute!!!
















3 Months.

Wow Oh wow! 3moths already! I swear this kid acts like shes 6! Kidding BUT she is doing a lot of fun stuff! She LOVES to stand up, she talks SO much, She plays with her feet, plays with her toys on her play mat, She knows her name. She is just growing like CRAZY. She is 11.4lbs 24 3/4inch long!!!! She LOVES to talk to her daddy I just love it. I have started her on cereal this is day 4 i want to say. She has been doing FANTASTIC! She since the 2nd time that i fed it to her we had no fits!!! She is finally back up to 5oz every 4 hours. I was getting really worried. Thats all for now.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2 months

Let me start out by saying that this past 2months has been the hardest best time of my life. Makenzi turned 2months old on April 25th. She had her 2month appt on the 29th. She weighed 10lbs 6oz 22 3/4 inch's long. Her DR is so proud at how well and long she is holding her head up while on her belly and she doesn't scream and cry when shes on her belly, of course cause the first 20 times we did and mommy worked with her. She is in the 25% for head, weight and height. Now on to the scary stuff. She had a heart murmur at birth it went away but is now back. On May 28th we are going to Columbia, MO. 2 hours away to the best hospital to get her little heart looked at. ALSO, When she was born she had a strawberry on the back of her head and neck (and on her arm and leg little ones) Well between 3-4 weeks after birth she developed this one on her back. The strawberry its self has not grown in size. But it is swollen and bruised looking. Her DR is very concerned about it and thinks that its linked to her heart murmur. We are waiting on the call from the hospital to make that appt with a Dermatologist. this is what it looks like:
then one on her neck, the strawberry is gone but the swelling and bruising is stil there:

Some random photos from her little life.



One morning she was so sleepy. She feel asleep like this while i was burping her..

Then she feel asleep in her bouncer after she was laughing and smiling and playing:

and the flash woke her up:

picked her up cause she was screaming and she feel asleep like this..after this i put her in her crib!

So excited about to see daddy on the TV:

and ready for bed.

Ill update after her Cardio appt!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Makenzi Leigh, Birth story.

WOW! 3 weeks has FLOWN by! Let me recap on the last 5weeks:

When I was 37 1/2 weeks pregnant I went in for my regualr OB appt. My P was pretty darn high but I told my DR that I would really not like to get MORE blood taken so he told me that is my choice and i dont need to go get it done. That next monday I went for my NST and my BP was VERY high so i ended up having to get the Pre E testing done anyway. Come to find out that I had eelvated levals of protine in my urin so i had Pre E. My DR decided that it was time. So my mom was alredy on her way up cause she had a feeling that she needed to be here with me. GOOD THING cause that next morning at 5:30 i was going in to the hospital! She was breech so I opted to have a c-section instead of trying to turn her cause I saw ALL the bad things that could happen, happeneing! So I got to the hospital took one last belly shot and got my IV did my paperwork and by 8am I was walking back to the OR. I wasnt really nervous actually my only thought was "Can we wait for a little bit longer so I can take a nap" lol I didnt sleep the night before and it was to be expected. So i get to the OR, get on the table and they start the spinal. I had the IV in my hand and the nurse was pushing my hands down for me to hold my self up and i couldnt plus I was shaking cause the meds and i was cold. SO it took about 4-5min to get the spinal and INSTANTLY i couldnt feel my feet. It was such an odd feeling. So i laied back and they got me all ready and started. My mom came back and at 8:19am Miss Makenzi Leigh Lemon made her entrance into the world. She weighed 7lbs 11 oz 19.5in long I heard her cry and I could not wrap my ind around the fact that, that was my daughters cry! I was bawling so just a few short minuets later I got to meet her. I feel in love with her. She was just so calm and content and staring at me. They took her back to our room to weight her and give her shots, while they stabled me up. They wheeled me down to recovery and I was there for EXACTLY 36min. Yes i was counting the minuets I was there. I got to my rooom and they got me back in my bed and i FINALLY got to hold my daughter. The little amazing girl Canon and I had created. I breastfeed her as soon as i stoped staring. She did great. She latched on perfect and had no problems. That night was great she woke up every 4hours to eat. The next morning i got up to walk. It was kinda hard cause my butt was still numb from laying there for over 24hours. She continued to eat every 4 hours and i was up and walking. We left at noon the next day. The first night home was great she woke up once. The day after we got home we got a TON of snow! it was crazy!!! We were susposed to go to the hospital to get her some blood work but we were snowed in! So we went on monday. The DR never called so that meant that she was perfect! The next week just went on and she was sleeping great through the night a few times she didnt wake up at all but the other times she only woke up once.

and now today! as of Monday March 10, 2009 Makenzi weighed 8lbs 2 oz 20in long! I was so proud of her!!! She is still sleeping great and eating every 4 hours. She has grown SO much. Its sad but I love how awake she is becoming. She stays awake for a good part of the day. She will be 3 weeks tomorrow and she has a DR appt net week. Daddy will be home for R&R in April to meet her and he is SO excited. So now we just wait!














Friday, January 30, 2009

Her room is done!

So i had my baby shower this past weekend and got basically everything that i needed for her and her room! I was so excited to get home and get everything done!!! Here are the pictures!

Looking in her door:

Her closet:

her dresser with the Lamp Mimi got her!

Rocking chair. I am getting the curtains put up tomorrow and im sure the room will look really dif.

Crib and Bedding:


Changing table. On the final picture i didnt get her name on the wall in the picture so im showing you a picture before i started working on her room when it was messy! Not like that anymore!



and her Bouncer, Swing and Diaper bag

